Tuesday, September 30, 2008

St. Charles Oktoberfest

On Saturday we met up with Chad, Stacy and Riley to go to the St. Charles Oktoberfest. It was such an nice day to go and walk around. Stacy brought a blanket and we found a nice place to sit and just enjoy the surroundings.

Baron unfortunately wasn't having a good time and started crying and I couldn't get him to stop for a good 30 mins. I thought we were going to have to leave and we had just gotten there. I don't know what it was and this actually was the 2nd time that it's happened. Thankfully we knew that we just had to ride it out and didn't freak like the first time. After that little episode, he was a good little boy.

It was nice that Riley and Baron were able to play together. Riley is a notorious Binky snatcher while Baron just let her do it. I have a feeling that when they get older it's not always going to be like that. I think Baron thought he could get back by pulling her hair.

Riley's hair has grown soo much from the last time I saw her. She crawling all over the place, has two bottom teeth and can definitely without any problems pull herself up when holding onto anything that is stable. She has a ferocious grip, that little one. It's quite amazing.

I actually think is this the first time that Baron has played with grass. As you can see, he really liked it.

This is just several of the pictures that we took...

Peas...me not likey.

So we tried the peas yesterday. Didn't go over so well. But, after I talked to Amy she said to heat them up and try again. It worked, he ate the whole thing. What a good little piggy. :)

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sweet Potatoes...yum!

Rob and I just started Baron on his first 'real' food besides the cereal. I was suprised that we didn't get any funny faces but he definitely knew that he was eating something different. I guess we will have to wait until we get to the more unappealing ones.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Marshmallow Madness

This video brings us back to our first family trip. Amy, Cory, Stacy, CJ, Rob and I stayed up and were playing cards while enjoying some tasty beverages. I think that it was close to 2am and Mom and Dad (chad too - slacker) had gone to bed early, and as the night was drawing to a close, I challenged everyone to a "chubby bunny" contest. While all of us could only reach 5-6, Rob had to out shine us all. When the video starts he's at #6 and finishes at #13, of course with a smile. I honestly can say that I haven't laughed (cried) that hard in a LONG time. It was too funny. Good times had by all.
Sorry about the quality...it was the best that I could do.

Riley Standing UP

Chad sent me this video of Riley standing up and I tried to make it as bright as I possibly could. She getting to be such a big girl. I think that she's 8.5 mo's in this video. Lovin' the activity table. Wonder if they come in adult sizes, I think Rob might like that for Christmas. Then we can watch him stand up!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

B to the A to the B to the Y...a baby!

For all you fans out there, here's another little ditty from Rob.

Bouncy Bouncy Bouncy

Finally, he likes his bouncer. He is just starting to use his legs and understanding that he's going to move up and down. We'll walk out of the room and start hearing him jump.
New experiences are always entertaining.

Wildwood Concert

The Wildwood Town Center was having a free concert Friday night and we decided to pack Baron up and head down the trail to see it. The Smash Band was playing, however, both of us didn't particularly care who was, we just wanted to get out. Sad to say, besides going to the store, this was the first time out to an event. It went really well and all three of us were very happy. Actually,for the first time it felt like we were a family. Being out and about, walking around and talking to other families, and just enjoying the whole ambiance, really shook home that concept. I guess we're growing up...

The video below is nothing special, we just like to post video's. If you can't already tell.

Monday, September 15, 2008

From the eyes of Baron

This morning as I am awakening from my 8 hr slumber, I slowly open my eyes to see if anyone is there. I stretch my arms and legs, arch my back and belt out the biggest scream that I can muster. Maybe, only maybe if I do this loud enough, the people with the big heads and eyes will come running to my rescue. Finally, after what seems to be an eternity, the one with the biggest head came into to see me. And it goes a little somethin’ like this, hit it…

From the makers of Baron.:)

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Baby Elvis

Here's another one of Rob's videos. I walked in on him singing this to Baron after he had changed him. Of course he was happy to perform again for the camera. Baron that is.

Riley Giggles

This was so funny. Chad running up to Riley and she would just start giggling. Good times...

Riley and Baron

Cousin Riley came over last week to play. Riley sure has grown since the last time we saw her. In this video, she's almost 8 mo's and has just started crawling and sitting up by herself. Her hair is really starting to grow and she's talking up a storm. She's such a cute little girl.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

5 Year Anniversary 08.30.2003

Last weekend was our 5 year anniversary and the time has definitely flown by. Rob and I have known each other for a total of 8 years and he says that he knew I was "the one" from the first day that he met me. For me, it took a little longer than that. However, his personality and rockin' good looks (especially with the tank top and high water pants) won me over in no time. I was definitely hooked.

Now, we are a family of three and learning as each day goes by. Having our son has brought us together so much more than either of us had imagined. 8 years ago I would have never thought this is where I would be. I am truly blessed to have Rob and Baron in my life and cherish everyday that I have. I love you Rob and to borrow your words, "you are my perfect mate".

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