Thursday, December 25, 2008

Sick Sick Sick

Well, this past week has been a very trying and tiring week. Both Rob and Baron have and are still somewhat battling colds. As I said before, we went home last Friday for my family's Christmas and on the way home Rob and I noticed Baron starting to get a cough. I thought, ok I can handle this, it will be his first cold but let's hope it's not a bad one. On Saturday, Baron's cough was more prominent and he was noticeably not acting his usual happy, smiley self. After we were home, it just progressed from there. Then Rob came down with the stomach flu and was totally out of commission on Sunday and half of Monday. Baron started wheezing and we took him to the Dr. just to be safe. Dr. said he had RSV (respiratory virus) and would hopefully be over with it in a week or two. Ugh! Anyway, you get my point. It was pretty rough and thankfully Rob has gotten over his, yet Baron is still reluctantly battling a lot of congestion. To my surprise, I actually thought it would be worse (I know, dad, knock on wood). But thanks to my sister for her guidance because I don't know what we would do if she wasn't there to answer our silly questions and tell us everything is ok.

Merry Christmas to everyone and I hope that next year during the holiday week no one will be sick.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Louderman Family Chirstmas

I remember as a kid looking forward to my Grandma's Christmas every year because we would always get to open gifts a week early. As I have grown older, it's not about the presents but the fact that we are all able to get together as one big family. This has been a tradition for as long as I can remember.
After everyone has eaten, we all gather around the tree while my Grandpa Max reads the Christmas story. At that time, we are quiet as we hear the words spoken and all remember the true meaning why we are here.'s mass chaos.

My New Friend Charli

We traveled home this past weekend for my family's Christmas, which is always held the week before the 25th. Rob and I arrived at my parents house on Friday and Kristi, Phil and Charli were nice enough to stop by for a visit. We haven't seen Charli since she was born but follow her religiously on her blog. She is such an advanced little baby. I think she's 11 mo's and is walking, going on 8 teeth and can recite the entire song of Baby Got Back by Sir Mix Alot. (Just teasing...:) All kidding aside, she's a beautiful little girl that definitely makes her parents proud.

Peace - Love - AVERY!

This past week Rob, Baron and I went to see his friends new baby, Avery. I think she was a month old to the day and she was such a pretty little thing. We finally we able to meet Bridget and she is doing such a good job with her. We all know how scary and anxious it is all at the same time, when this small being is brought home. I think they both are coping very well and will make awesome parents.

It's going to be a lot of fun when they both get older and are able to play...such good times to come and we are definitely looking forward to it.

Sledding with Dad

Baron had his first sledding experience and I know plenty more to come. He really enjoyed it and after Rob went down a couple of times, Baron knew what was going on and would start babbling assuming that he was telling us he was ready to go. By the time that I reached them, they both had the biggest smiles on their faces.

Here's Baron being pulled. He doesn't quite know what's going on and stays as stiff as a board all while his eyes were darting back and forth to figure out what that sound was.

Monday, December 15, 2008

My First Visit with Santa

Sunday night we took Baron to Santa's Magical Kingdom in Jellystone Park in Eureka, MO. They incidentally had a promotion where if you came and drove through the park, you could get a free picture with Santa. We had always planned on taking Baron to see all the lights but it was a nice bonus that Santa was there.
As we drove through, Baron was so amazed by all the lights and the action surrounding him. He kept squealing in delight and I think he had a smile on the whole time. Knowing what was ahead, Rob and I were a little nervous about his first visit and hoped it would go smoothly and he wouldn't have a melt down. But to our surprise, Baron did great. As I put him on Santa's lap, he took one look at him and just smiled. It was really a great experience and I only hope that next year goes as well as this year did.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

My New Boots

I won some John Deere boys boots on Ebay a few weeks back and they took forever to get to me. Finally they arrived and we were able to let Baron give them a try. Needless to say, he liked them. Probably too much because he kept wanting to chew on them. They are so darn cute and I think it really complements his big ol chubby legs.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

And the first word is...

What a good boy!

Hummm, something is missing...

I think the video is self explanatory. We've gotten a lot of laughs out of this.

At least he's starting to chew...

Look Who's Crawling!!

I have been having some computer issues for the last week and a half and haven't been able to post until now. I really enjoy doing this and when I couldn't, I really missed it. I couldn't wait to show what new things Baron has been doing. Now, on to the posts!

Baron is crawling! Yea!! Rob and I were so ready for the next steps with him. We were hoping that he would be crawling by Thanksgiving and he didn't quite make it but was very close. He started last Monday and has been getting quicker and quicker each day. I know everyone says this, but you really can't take your eye off of them. I walked away while Baron was playing on the floor in the living room and the next minute he's under the piano. Now, he's starting to follow us around making detours here and there when something catches his attention. Always a lot of fun.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Annual Cookie Bake

The day after Thanksgiving, Rob and I held the annual cookie bake. This event has been going on for as long as I can remember. I think that my Grandma Margie started it and usually held it after Thanksgiving. The parents would drop off the kids and she would let us all make the cookies with her help. It was so much fun and I have many fond memories of it. She held the last cookie bake a couple of years ago and Rob and I had to continue the tradition.
Candon and Griffin made peanut butter cookies, Brooklyn and Taylyn made Buckeyes, and Elizabeth and Jacob made chocolate chip cookies. After we did those, they all rolled out their own sugar cookies to decorate later. It really turned out well, however, everyone knew to eat at their own risk.

After the kids rolled out the sugar cookies and ate lunch. Rob and I had been working all week on a scavenger hunt. The pictures were the clues, and the clues were hidden all over the property. I think there was a total of 23 clues and it ended with a buried treasure. I thought it was well planned and the kids totally got a kick out of it, especially at the end.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

Well, Thanksgiving 08 went off without a hitch. Rob and I have hosted the holiday the last couple of years and everyone thinks we're crazy because we want to continue it. To me, I like nothing more than the whole house filled with hyper kids, good smelling food and awesome family.

Mom and Dad came down on Wednesday night to help with the preparation. Thanks to Cindy, I was able to have the majority of preparations finished so that the following day wouldn't be massive ciaos. I think a total of 20 people were in attendance and yes that's counting even the little babies. Several ended up staying the night Thursday and I'm sure Baron and Riley were wondering what was with all the attention. Boy did they get it. After everyone was gone, I think that Baron went through withdrawal. A little crabby was an understatement.

I think we are so blessed to be able to get together for the holidays, although some were absent and definitely missed, we take it for granted what we have and that is absolutely something that I am thankful for.

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