Saturday was Strassenfest in Chesterfield and this was an event that Rob was really hoping that we would be able to go to. As I looked at the weather before we left, I knew that we would only have a few hours before the rain came but that was enough for Rob. I think the thought of big mugs of German beer was clouding his judgement.
When we arrived, we headed straight to the petting zoo because it closed much earlier than everything else. Baron loved being able to walk inside the tent and was able to see a Camel, Llama, Donkey, Pig, Goat, Amarillo and more. I was pretty surprised how well the animals behaved. I was also shocked how many parents let their kids put their hands right next to these animals' mouths. All it takes is just one bite...
Next we headed over to the childrens area to see if Baron would like the carosel ride. Ummm... not so much. He didn't want to hold on and I think after one trip around he was done. Rob had to litterally hold him down on it. To me it seemed appropriate since he was riding a horse, I just thought that they were playing the part and acting like it was bucking wildly. Too bad the horse was stationary and it was just Baron that was bucking.
This last video was the absolute best part of the night. After Rob had filled himself up on all the German beer he could get his hands on, we packed it up and headed out. As we are making our way to the parking lot, we passed a stage and a band was just getting ready to play. Once they started playing, many other kids were out in front dancing. So we released the beast to see what he would do. It was a riot! At least to us. Baron pulled out moves that I had never seen. My favorite was the Stevie Wonder move where he would just sway from side to side. He would also walk up to the other kids, get right in their face and just stare like it was some kind of dancing showdown. In the video near the end, Baron chases this older boy, I swear it looked like Baron wanted to eat him. It was so much fun watching Baron dance with these other kids. Yes, the video is long, but I just couldn't help myself to cut it down.