We enrolled Baron again in the Early Childhood Program at St. John’s Lutheran Church. He attended last year for a few months and then also several days over the summer. It’s amazing what he learns at this place and comes home saying so many new words. He was excited and shockingly enough, he didn’t cry at all.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Chicago – Navy Pier
The night before we left, we decided to check out Navy Pier. I had never been but, was always curious. I guess it’s kind of like Fisherman’s Wharf in San Francisco other than all the stores are inside the building, and without the nasty fish smell and the stinky seals.
This was pretty uneventful as we all were still tired from the beach trip earlier in the day but it was nice to get out and walk a bit. A storm was rolling in so we didn’t have that much time to spend walking around outside and thankfully we were able to miss it. We were able to let Baron out of the stroller and to run around, watching all the big ships pull in and out from the pier.
Chicago – Beach
This by far was my most favorite part of our vacation and I think it would have to be Baron’s too. It was prefect. The water was shallow enough that I really didn’t have to worry about Baron falling down and not being able to get up. The weather was perfect. Thankfully the Bill’s condo was within walking distance and we put Baron in the red wagon and hauled him down.
The kid was EXCITED. Plain and simple. When we first went into the water he didn’t know what to do. Then we started jumping the waves and he was jumping and laughing and never wanted to stop. This is what it’s all about. Watching your child, having the time of his life and not a care in the world. I could have sat at that beach forever and just watched him all day.
Chicago – Millennium Park
Rob and I had been here before a long time ago with my friend Julie but I can’t remember if the Bean was there or not. Dad and Cindy suggested taking Baron to see it all and we were definitely up for it. We took the EL as you saw in a previous post and made our way very easily. I was amazed how many children were playing in the water. Of course anything with water, Baron loves and instantly he was wanting to go walk in the water.
Next, we headed to the big ol reflective Bean. This was pretty neat and I don’t really know how he reacted to it because I was busy taking pictures but it must have made an impact because he would mention the Bean the whole way home. They were also holding a free concert, which was nice to walk over and listen to. This place was really amazing.
Thankfully I brought a towel and an extra change of clothes so that Baron could play in the water. He loved to walk up to the side with cascading water and stick his head in, then run to the other side. He had a good time.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Chicago – “EL”
As we were making our way down to Millennium Park, we planned on taking the EL. Baron was very excited because the EL is right behind the condo that we were staying in and Baron could see it as well as hear it pass. Thus making him scream “TRRRAAAAIIIIIINNN” each time. This was a no brainer and I knew he would approve.
We took the EL several times while in Chicago and each time Baron was a trooper and quite the ladies man as he successfully was able to charm anyone around him including two nice looking girls. He showed them all his tricks while sitting on Dad’s lap and as we watched from afar, only to be secretly shouting, “that’s my BOY!”.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Chicago – Museum of Science and Industry
Thanks to Christine Wade, we were all able to get into the Museum for free. Dad and Cindy had been a few days before with Stacy and Riley so they knew what to expect and where to go, thankfully. Wow, was this place amazing. I had been in 6th grade along with my class but I honestly don’t remember a thing about it.
We packed Baron up early and arrived right after it opened. According to Dad, the place was much less crowded than when Stacy and Riley were there and you could tell. I don’t even know where to start because there was so much to do and cover. It was very easy to get turned around but I think that we pretty much saw it all. From the giant model railroad, generated storms, to the water area, and shadow dancing, Baron was in heaven.
Chicago – Summer Family Vacation
This wasn’t how I envisioned our family vacation this summer but we were so happy it ended up to be this way. Originally, we wanted to head up to Michigan and find a place near a beach to stay. After looking at many locations, everything that I had inquired into was either sold out or extremely expensive.
Dad and Cindy just so happened to be watching Uncle Bill’s condo in Chicago and offered to let us stay there. We had been up to Chicago many times but that was when Baron was no where in sight and our motives were completely different. This time, we saw Chicago with a whole different light because of Baron. It was really amazing! It was so nice to be able to be there as our family but also have Dad and Cindy to enjoy it with also.
We were there Wednesday – Saturday and the time flew by. Baron was so exhausted by the end of it he was sleeping into 8am and that is UNHEARD of around here. It was nice to be home but boy did we have a good time.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Pool Party
Brian was nice enough to invite us over to his house to swim in his pool. Anytime you mention water around Baron he instantly gets excited. He did so much better on his own than last time and I assume it will be like this each time we go. Rob was in the water with him and he would ask to go under water so, after he would jump in, Rob would dunk him. He’s getting better with the water over his head but not there yet. It’s just so cute to see him by himself trying to get to the other side of the pool and his little legs are just going as fast as they can in the water and he barely moves an inch.
Little Avery was quite the pro in the pool. She didn't have any problems getting in and jumping to Brian. Is was nice to see her in her own element because we totally were able to see a different side to Avery. I couldn't get enough of all her talking!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Big Wheelin’
Since Baron has been really loving his tricycle, we thought it would be a good time to get him a big wheel. They are sure hard to find but we finally found one at Toy’s R Us. We put it together and waited for Baron to come home from camp to show him. Of course he loved it, I mean who wouldn’t with that giant flag that fly's in the air and the awesome white wheeled tire. I wanted one for myself. In fact, that would be quite a sight to see Rob, myself and Baron just peddling away down the bike path sporting our new big wheels. OK, moving on…
Baron got the hang of it right away but it’s still too big for him and unfortunately we had to put it away until we can either figure out a way to rig it so that he can ride it comfortably or until he gets bigger. Boo:(