Thursday, December 30, 2010

Sleigh Riding or Sledding

Sleigh Riding or Sledding, that is the question. I think sleigh riding is definitely the term they used in the 1800’s but now were in the 2000’s and it’s time to use the correct wording :)

Anyway…Chad, Stacy and Riley came over Christmas day for some sledding, some yummy cheese dip and fun in the jumpy house. The sledding was awesome. This was Baron’s first real time outside in the snow and it was almost prefect. The weather wasn’t too cold so we were able to stay out for a couple of hours. The kids loved barreling down the hill. I thought Baron would balk at it but once I sent him down by himself he had a smile from ear to ear. Riley was so cute with her angel that she wanted to make. I love in the video how she just plops down and does her thing, and not to be out done, Baron followed.

After we warmed up and the kids ate dinner, we headed downstairs for the main attraction, the jumpy house. Baron was even more red in the face after he and Riley finished jumping than he was this morning. It is definitely more fun with friends.


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James Christmas

It’s so nice to live right next door to Rob’s parents. I know some may think otherwise but it really isn’t that bad at all. Look at how much traveling that we have to do on the holidays. Plus, they like to keep it simple and that makes it so much easier. Baron was excited to head over due to the fact that he knew Santa was there. Don had set out this green Santa a few weeks ago and Baron seems to be either afraid of it or mesmerized by it. He was always talking about it and wanted to show it his toys. But he wouldn’t get close to it. It was pretty funny. He would open a gift and then show it to Santa.

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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Jumpy House!

This was the big gift that we couldn’t wait to give to Baron. There were many times where Rob had to talk me out of giving it to him early…it was that bad. I knew he would love it. We set it up the night before and was shocked that it took less than a minute to inflate. Christmas morning we opened gifts, had breakfast and then headed down to the basement for one last surprise. It took some talking into for Baron to leave his new toys upstairs but he finally came. You’ll see from the video his excitement. The kid was PUMPED! He couldn’t believe that it was his. He was so sweaty after what seemed like hours of jumping that we finally had to drag him upstairs to get ready to head next door.

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Merry Christmas

What a great Christmas this year! Baron was so much fun this year talking about Santa and his Reindeer and with the added snow that we received, that made it even better. Baron was out of school the Tuesday before Christmas and that gave us a lot of good times together. We made sugar cookies for the first time other than cookie bake and let me tell you, it was so much easier! He did really well with cutting them out and especially decorating them. I was pretty surprised. The cookies turned out great and wish I had some pictures of them but they unfortunately weren’t around that long. No, not what you think, I wish I could have eaten some. Reinhardt being the good dog he is, jumped up on the counter and ate half while we were at the store and after learning my lesson I put them in the oven only to forget they were in there. Rob started smelling burnt plastic and yep, there it was, the platter melting along with the rest of the cookies. Nice, huh. Thankfully we had already set out Santa’s two.

Anyway, Christmas morning was really fun. Baron waited at the top of the stairs for us to ring the bells and then came down to the wonderful sights of grandeur. He loved it and didn’t have any problems opening all his gifts. This really was such an enjoyable Christmas and I know I sound like a broken record, but I know it’s going to get better each year.

**Sorry for the long videos in these next several posts…so hard to whittle down.

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A special shout out to Airplane Grandma & Grandpa

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Cookie Time

Mom came down yesterday and picked up Cheryl along the way to make some cookies. They were going after some peanut butter blossoms, buckeyes and chocolate mint cookies. Baron and I just stuck to good ol fashioned sugar cookies. Baron and I have yet to finish ours but I think we’ll do that later tonight while Mom and Cheryl finished theirs. I must say, the chocolate mint were pretty darn tasty, especially hot from the oven.

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School Christmas Party

Baron’s school Christmas party was Tuesday and boy was he super excited for it. Since he goes Monday – Thursday this was his second party and after Monday’s, he was all for another one. The parents arrived at 10.15 to help while they did a craft, had a snack and participated in an activity. It was all really fun for them. The decorated a picture of Santa with cotton balls and were also able to use some glitter. I don’t know about you, but who doesn’t like glitter. It was everywhere. I think the best thing that Baron liked was cupcake for the snack. He downed his in seconds flat. This kid likes his cake.

After the craft and snack they all gathered for Musical Chairs. I was a little nervous about this because Baron can definitely push his way around the other kids and thought that he would be fighting till the death for the chairs but it wasn’t too bad. Thankfully… It’s really fun to see Baron interact with his other classmates and also put some faces to the names he mentions on a daily basis. I do have to say, the teachers really deserve a lot of credit for what they do.

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Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Portable North Pole is pretty stinkin’ cool. Amy clued me in on this site that allows you to customize a message to Santa (along with pictures) to your child. I added Baron’s name (Santa will say easier names that he is able to pronounce. Baron was unfortunately not one of them) along with some pictures and grabbed the camera while Baron watched. I thought Baron would be more excited but I guess not. He seemed to like the pictures in Santa’s book and with me putting it together so quick, I grabbed a picture of him on the potty. I think he liked that too. Here is a link of the video I did for Baron, hopefully it still works.

Louderman Christmas

This year the festivities were held at Uncle Andy and Aunt Sue’s house. I remember as a kid being so excited for “Grandma’s Christmas” as it has been called since I can remember. It’s always held the weekend before the actually holiday and as a kid, that meant presents a week before Christmas! Now, it’s funny, it totally means something else to me. I could care less about the presents, it means more to be able to gather together as a family. It’s pretty rare when we all get together and when we do it’s always a lot of good times. We are very blessed.

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