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Last Sunday, we headed to Washington to take some pictures and just walk around. Anytime there is water near, Baron is game. Old Washington is really an amazing place. From the older brick buildings to the retired train cars, there are endless opportunities for some good shots. After we finished walking around, we had a picnic by the river. Baron was so excited, it was hard to make him concentrate to eat his food. I know, shocking, right?
I was sitting at my desk on the phone with a carrier, trying to get them to take one of my shipments when I see several dark shadows dart across the lawn. I quickly get off the phone, try to keep the dogs from going insane, and head out the door.
There they are, four horses running and playing in the field next to the house. At times they would get pretty close, which was really amazing. My first thought, was to get Baron and let him see this for himself. Just as I turned around, Rob let the dogs out and of course they are barreling for the horses. I tell Rob to come take a look (he’s not too happy because Reinhardt really did a number on the floor trying to get out…oops) and his frown goes away in the shock and awe of what he’s seeing. It really was a amazing sight.
I run into get Baron, since he was upstairs in his room playing and tell him to quickly come down. As he walks out, I hear him gasp and say, “My horsey’s for my birthday!”. It was too funny, he thought we got them for his birthday, which was now 4 days after.
Soon we see the owner walking up the hill, along with two police officers trying to collect them. Apparently the 4 horses managed to escape their pen and were first down at the ballpark running around while all the the little kids are practicing baseball. The owner tried to get them then, but they took off up the street and alas to our house. She, Rob and the two policemen were able to walk them back down to the pen all while Baron is crying wondering where his birthday horsey’s are going.
All I have to say about this, is that it’s awesome! It’s pretty bad when we’re all fighting over a turn. Seriously, Rob and I sat there any played it after Baron went to bed because he didn’t want to share. Baron really liked it after he learned which track to put the cars in. He’s still a little slow and can’t do it quick enough and it causes some crashes and back ups. It’s funny when he puts his car down and another comes right behind it so fast that it knocks his car onto the track and now he holds the other car. He finally caught on to it and was stymied and saying, “ HEY, give me MY car back!”.
When it was his actual birthday, we had to wake him up. He was exhausted from the weekend. I told him it was his birthday and he said it wasn’t. We had to keep reminding him that, today was his special day. We didn’t do anything really exciting other than meet up with Rob’s parents. After his nap, he came down the stairs and saw the rest of his gifts on the table and started jumping up and down saying, it’s my party, it’s my party! He opened his gifts, and typical Baron fashion, latches on to his favorites and they tend to go to bed with him at night. I just need to remember to take the water out of the water guns BEFORE he takes them to bed.
I can’t believe he is already 3 and I know it’s such a cliché but it has gone so fast. It really does keep getting better and better!
Before I brought Baron down for breakfast, Rob lined all his guys around him. Baron thought that was pretty special.
FYI: The video’s are a bit long, it was too hard to whittle them down.
Since Baron’s birthday was on a Monday we held his party the weekend prior in Springfield. Just close family and Matt was nice enough to come as well. Baron didn’t really understand that this wasn’t his actual birthday but he was excited all the same. I think he was more pumped about blowing out the fire as he calls it than the actual gifts he was soon to get. We had to sing to him three times because I couldn’t get my camera to work, but that was ok, because he was able to blow out more fire.
The party was really great and we ended the night watching Monsters, Inc. Even after I put Baron to bed, us adults finished watching the movie. Pretty sad, staying up to watch a kids movie. I’m telling ya, we’re wild and crazy like that. By the end of the day, I was exhausted as I sure the others were too. Baron had an awesome 3rd birthday party and we’re thankful that the family was able to be a part of it.
Baron was pretty adamant on that he wanted a Buzz Lightyear cake for his birthday. A few months prior, he switched to pirates but that was just temporary, unfortunately. See a pirate cupcake or cake would have been SOO easy. I was striking out with Buzz Lightyear ideas and starting to sweat until two days before go time, I finally found a website that gave me some ideas. Now, it may not look so much like Buzz but that’s what you’re gonna get. I made rainbow cupcakes which was so easy and really neat to do. Baron was able to help, and by help I mean lick the spoons.
Once I finished, the true test would be whether or not Baron would recognize it. My first try didn’t work. He said, “what’s that?”. Thankfully my revision merited the right answer. When he saw it he started jumping up and down yelling BUZZ LIGHTYEAR CAKE! Thankfully, he also recognized the green aliens from pizza planet too.
Below is what I made the adults. TO. DIE. FOR. It’s called Double Chocolate Cheesecake Layered Cake.
Baron finally turned 3 this past Monday. Being excited was an understatement. I think ever since he attended Riley’s 3rd birthday party in January, he couldn’t wait for his to get here. Their will be several posts following this about the birthday. Let the fun begin…
When we picked Baron up from school on Monday, they had made this hat for him. He loved it and he still wears it from time to time.