Sunday, May 17, 2009

Nakai the rolling dog...

Just mentally picture this. We're all standing out in the field watching the kids run around and play. Well, as they are playing so are the two big dogs, Nakai and Reinhardt. As we are talking and the kids are climbing all over the gator, we look over and Nakai is rolling in something. Rob and I think it's funny but it's no laughing matter for Chad and Stacy since they deal with it so often. Don't know why one dog does it and the other doesn't...Nakai just likes to roll in things. So as we were standing there, with Stacy looking at Nakai in disgust, I start telling her that it's probably deer poop and the dogs invisible fence doesn't go out that far so at least it wasn't the other dogs' poop, I wander over to see what it was. Just out of curiosity, ya know.
As I peer down, expecting the dog to have smushed all the deer poop into the ground because she had been doing it for awhile, I was shocked to see what it was...It was a dead M O L E! I could not believe that Nakai was rolling on that. Why would a dog roll on a dead mole. If she liked the smell of it that much I could have attached it to her coller so we all wouldn't have to worry about the kids or us petting her. I got a kick out of it, pretty funny to me, however, Stacy wasn't too pleased.





Krista P said...

I can not believe you took so many shots of a dead mole.

Beth James said...

I actually took more but these turned out the best. Of course I took pictures, look at this hands, they're bigger than it's face!! Pretty remarkable. I've never seen one before is probably why.

nakai1220 said...

Don't lie, you loved it... And you posed it waving like that...

I was wondering how long it would take for our dog to make you blog! Finally, the old girl came through! Go Nakai! Makin' your Mama proud!

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