Sunday, April 25, 2010

Finally a success!

I know I have been going on and on about Fondant but I finally had a breakthrough. After the last failure, I had practically given up and was going to wait until I could find a class that I could attend. I stumbled on a new recipe and thought I would give it one more shot. This was complete with pictures (the best part) and looked easy enough, however, that’s what I thought with the last one.

To say this was easy was an understatement. As I was making it and following to a T, I kept thinking of the lengthy process I had followed before and there was no way this was going to work out. After I refrigerated the fondant overnight, I attempted the hard part the following day. All I can say is that I started coloring and decorating at 4.30pm and finished at 5.45pm. This too was during those horrible storms so, in between watching the constant weather information on TV and the several breaks to stare outside the sliding glass door to see if the tornado was coming, I would say that was a awesome success.

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Spray Bottle

I had an idea to give Baron a spray bottle with water to see what he would do. The first thing he does is start to spray it in his face. After I corrected him the first time and showed him how to correctly use it, he turns it on himself again and just laughs. It must be a boy thing. Now, since we were in the back yard when he started it and I wanted to take a video of it, I had to run up to the front of the house into my office to get the camera. I was sure that he would be finished by the time I returned but I was lucky. He was still doing it! You would think he wouldn’t like it. Too funny…

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Water Table Fun

Thursday, we had Riley over for a play date. Baron was still napping or just finishing when I got back from picking Riley up and I thought it would be a fun surprise to have Riley walk in. Baron was happy to see Riley but you’ll also see from the video, she immediately picked up his lion and he said MINE! It was pretty funny, he was happy that Riley was here but she shouldn’t dare touch his things. MINE, was a constant word while she was here. We need to work on that.

After Baron was up, we went outside to play with the water table. I knew they would both like it since Baron really, really likes it. They did pretty good, actually better than I thought. Riley at one point poured water over Baron’s head and he looked at her as if she were a Martian. Thankfully he didn’t retaliate and just moved on. Only later did he get his revenge and dumped a good one on her. She, however, was pretty quick and snagged his cup away so he couldn’t do it again. Smart girl. Just so you know, I did not egg this on and it was not encouraged by me. Surprising I know, but I didn’t want to start something like that where I know it would end badly. I’m just glad that she did it first.

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Hatalla Cut

With the summer coming closer and closer, we decided to have Baron’s hair cut shorter since he sweats like a little piggy and it mats to his forehead like glue. I didn’t want it as short as it is but I have to say, it’s growing on me. It makes him look so much more like a little boy and also like my sister’s kids.

The video doesn’t really have to do with the haircut other than I took it with my cell phone after we got back. Thought I should share. Good ol Reinhardt for sticking in there and taking the abuse. It was well worth the laughs.

2010-04-15 10.38.55





Saturday, April 10, 2010


Baron had quite a spill yesterday…we’ll just say the concrete won. He’s been trying to jump off everything these days and he decided to jump down some concrete steps. After the first several attempts were successful, the last one proved to be the one the did him in. It sounds worse than it was but he missed a step and crashed face first into the concrete below. Thankfully he was ok and walked away with some road rash and not less teeth. I think Rob and I were still sick several hours later and he was over it in less then a few minutes. Jeez…we won’t be doing that again. Lesson learned. I guess I need to not let him drive the mower then too.



Baron turns 2!

Wow, I can’t believe it and it’s such a cliché but it has gone so fast! It really just keeps getting better and better. I can remember the times when he was between 4 & 7 months and thinking it has got to get better than this. Not that it was all that bad, but Baron was going through this really crabby stage at night and would whine and cry from what seemed like 6 – 9pm. I know, it doesn’t seem like Baron, but if he wasn’t entertained for that length of time, he wasn’t a happy camper. Now all I have to do is mention outside, ride or even the no no word (balloon) and he just lights up the room. The amount of personality that this little one has is unbelievable. It’s funny now, because I try to think back how it was before Baron was here and it’s hard to do that. He is such a part of our life that it’s hardly possible to think of the past. We love him so much and are so blessed that he has come into our lives. He really is our little miracle.


Riley, being the quick one that she is, was able to get a piece of Brobee’s eye. You can see her two little fingers near the candle. Funny, because she was right next to me and I didn’t even notice until I saw the cake and it looked like Brobee was crying… In fact if I remember correctly, she snagged some icing from Baron’s cake from his 1st birthday. I remember seeing in the video, Baron throwing some on the ground and Riley sneaking over so scoop it up. You never get in the way of a kid and cake.

Easter 2010











Friday, April 9, 2010

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Birthday/Easter Morning

With Baron’s birthday falling on Easter this year and knowing that we were headed to my parents we wanted to still have a little something for him at home when he woke up. He has been obsessed lately with blowing out the candles so for every meal, I put some candles on his food. Thus the nutri grain bar with two candles in it. No that was not his cake…I know it looks funny but he loved it.

The wooden train set was a huge hit. Still to this day, he can play with that thing forever!

Of course when Baron came down the steps he went right for the balloons and trying to get him to gather his eggs from the Easter Bunny wasn’t going that smooth either as the balloons were prevailing. I know now that I need to hide the balloons if I want him to do anything else. It’s also not good to show him how to let them go in the hallway because we were constantly having to untangle them from the chandelier. Oops…

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


With Baron’s 2nd Birthday falling on Easter this year, I told my parents, who host the annual giant Easter meal at their place, that I would bring the dessert. I figured I had to already make Baron a cake, so why not another one. The Easter cake was very easy. It may look like it took a long time to put all the M & M’s on the top but it didn’t take near as long as Baron’s cake did.

Baron’s cake was a whole other story. I had researched what I was going to do, baked the actual cakes the day before so that it wouldn’t take me forever like last time. I was wrong. At first, the initial conception, was to do a turtle cake covered in green fondant and have the head coming out of the shell. That didn’t go so well. The fondant was made that morning so the afternoon after Baron was put down for the nap I could focus and get it out of the way to still get everything else done for Easter and his 2nd birthday. Of course, nothing ever goes as planned. After spending 4 hrs on the turtle cake and the fondant and me going round and round, I scrapped the whole idea and started all over. I had to go to the store and bake the cakes which took an hour and then let them cool. This was at 6pm…ugh! I really just wanted to cry or just ram my head through the sliding glass door. So, after initially starting out at 2pm, I finally finished at 11pm. Wow! Fondant and I are still on the outs and until I can figure out what exactly I am doing wrong or take a class, we won’t be meeting again.

For Baron’s cake, I ended up going with BroBee from the children’s TV show Yo Gabba Gabba. It’s one of Baron’s favorite and as soon as he saw the cake, he was yelling “BROOOOOOBEEEE”. I added a picture of BroBee so you can see where I was coming from.


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