Thursday, April 8, 2010

Birthday/Easter Morning

With Baron’s birthday falling on Easter this year and knowing that we were headed to my parents we wanted to still have a little something for him at home when he woke up. He has been obsessed lately with blowing out the candles so for every meal, I put some candles on his food. Thus the nutri grain bar with two candles in it. No that was not his cake…I know it looks funny but he loved it.

The wooden train set was a huge hit. Still to this day, he can play with that thing forever!

Of course when Baron came down the steps he went right for the balloons and trying to get him to gather his eggs from the Easter Bunny wasn’t going that smooth either as the balloons were prevailing. I know now that I need to hide the balloons if I want him to do anything else. It’s also not good to show him how to let them go in the hallway because we were constantly having to untangle them from the chandelier. Oops…

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