Saturday, June 27, 2009

One lil Monkey Jumpin' on the Bed...

Just to give some background here, since Rob and I work from home, Baron plays in his crib after he wakes up from his nap. We have been doing this for awhile (thanks to Amy for the idea) and it works, plus it gives us those extra minutes to get things done. Anyway, since the office is downstairs, I have a monitor on to hear him. This day was like any other day, he took a nice morning nap and now it's time for crib play. I put the toys in the crib, clip a diaper rag around his neck (have to do this or his shirt will be soaked with drool) and close the door on the way out. Viola! As I'm working I start hearing this strange sound coming from his room. This creaking noise and I couldn't for the life of me figure it out. Since he wasn't crying I let it go on for a bit, but I was still curious. So I quickly, but quietly run upstairs and peer in...

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