Sunday, January 24, 2010

Hot Wheels

This is so Baron's new thing. While cleaning out the basement and going through some boxes I found Rob's hot wheel carrier with several old hot wheels in it. I immediately gave them to Baron to play with because he didn't think cleaning out the basement was that enjoyable. He literally played with those cars for a solid hour. I was shocked. By the time Rob had gotten home, I showed him the new toys that Baron absolutely LOVED playing with and Rob's jaw dropped.
I didn't know how sensitive this 48 year old man was about his old hot wheels. They now reside in Rob's office not to be touched, mauled, scratched by the little one. Oops! Never come in between a man and his hot wheels I have learned.
We bought Baron his very own set along with some tracks, which has now been bumped up to his all time fav's along with his flashlight and train.





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