Friday, May 14, 2010

The Guys

Since this was Rob’s territory, I let Rob do this post. I think that he was surprised that I would actually let him do one. I was even more surprised when I received his draft on my desk. I thought that he would have written just a few lines but no, it’s almost a novel. All too funny… Here ya go!

Beth asked me to post the following blog for Baron’s Guys. Every morning after waking up Baron, we head to the breakfast table where Baron has a set of characters ranging from soldiers to engineers that he plays with. I named each after people in Baron’s life (boys and girls are equally eligible to be one of the “Guys”) and gave them special roles to play protecting him on their daily missions. Baron selects his favorite(s) for the day and launches them into the mission by heaving the character through the air and upon landing always leans over asking them “Hey Guy, are you Ok?.” After each mission is completed, we repeat the process until I grow tired or Baron finishes his Eggo waffle.

These are Baron's "Guys", protecting Baron and his world, fighting secret battles, and keeping him safe 24 hours a day.

Back Row left to right:

Davo Demonic aka Dave Mathon: is the military strategist and engineer for all things constructed or demolished. He is as mean as he is smart often volunteering to interrogate the enemy one on one.

Beth Boom Boom aka Beth James: a weapons specialist providing all the guns and military hardware for the Guys. She is also a huge distraction to the enemy causing them to make big mistakes; playing with their pride, and sometimes their lives. She’s able to execute a special goalie kick that can break legs in one sweep.

Robo ‘the Romantic’ aka Rob James (he can be romantic because the rest of the crew is so vicious) collects military intelligence behind enemy lines.

Brian 'my lil buddy' The Beast aka Brian Mann he is sarcastic as he is mean never stopping until the enemy is mentally destroyed by his wit. His is a world class swimmer and an underwater specialist.

From Row left to right:

Matt 'Big Hands' Mayhem aka Matt Holden who is the first line of defense maintaining the perimeter clobbering foes with his giant hands at will. Matt has become very popular with the local children as he tosses them candy and toys throughout the year.

Mike ‘the Merciless’ aka Mike Erb: who maintains a year round tan and acts as a double agent fooling the enemy with his big smile and winning personality until he lures them to weak positions where the Guys can take care of business.

Big Rob aka Rob James (has a split personality and gets to play two characters) he is a bomb expert and assassin, but most of his profile is a mystery as he is uber-paranoid and keeps most things private and to himself.

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